token holder communication no3

[dappy] token holder communication no3

Hello dear token holders, you should have received the newsletter just now (if you have not please tell me, it means you are not registered on the newsletter.

🎉 We just launched the dappy name system (september 29th) ðŸŽ‰i'd like to personnaly thank everyone of you, you made it possible by participating to the ICO early 2022. It is of course just the beginning of dappy, we will see many things unfold in the coming months. However it's still a big victory.🙄 RChain, what's going on ?Following RChain's troubles we managed to quickly setup an alternative solution, we setup a kind of mini-blockchain that will allow dappy network members to join , and therefore co-resolution, the core feature of dappy to take place. The solution we have setup is not running on any L1 blockchain, one advantage on the UX perspective is that updates and management of zones is free. On that front alone there is a superior UX in comparison to other blockchain name systems that require transactions and tokens.Nevertheless we're not closing any door or even considering our long term strategy regarding blockchain / L1 integration. At the stage we're at, few people care (and enterprise surely don't) about the L1 / blockchain that is used.🚤 The path forward + eventsWe have a production network running smoothly, a test network where people can get domain names for free in 5 seconds. This will be the foundation for many features that we will show and work on in the future. This will also greatly benefit us at Web Summit (Lisbonne), CBC (Toulouse) and CES (Las Vegas) which are the three internation events we will participate in the coming months.💵 Every token holder will have a domain for free on the d network, there are just few things we need to set up so that non-developers can create a key pair, claim and get a domain easily.Purchase a domain on production (d network) a domain for free on the gamma network documentation website web browser is coming along very soon as wellSee you allRaphaël