newsletter august 2022

[dappy] August 2022 - incoming launch, white label offering, new security features and more

August 2022 updateHello everyone we hope you're having a great summer ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Š. This is an update on what's going in the dappy project.White label offeringOur market analysis have lead us to consider phishing as the number one attack on the web, for B2B as well as B2C services. Desktop apps are an easy way to go around phishing since it is very hard to impersonate a desktop application, in opposition to a website. In addition to the broad name system + dappy browser offering, FABCO is developing the dappy browser as white label solution for enterprise. linkLaunch and first rewards for token holdersDappy name system will for sure launch in 2022, prior or after block merge. Dappy tokens, among other features, grant rewards. The initial reward rate will be monthly rewards. Since the dappy network is not properly operational yet, the share of token holders may be virtually multiplied to fill 100% of the incomes (together with FABCO). Right now dappy tokens represent less than 5%.RChain token 18Work on RChain token continues as it is the bakbone of the dappy name system (domain names are NFTs) a new release was recently out, it includes bug fixes and additional tests. linkFirst webinar (french)Our first webinar took place on July 8th, it is available here. linkGlobal whitelist and wallets-to-domains whitelistsDappy is a web3-native project. We are addressing both the needs of legacy web services, and web3 usecases. 6 months ago we added the EVM wallets. In the next dappy browser release we have added a global whitelist to block any untrusted / unknown website, and also each wallets comes with a domains whitelist, this way you can strictly link wallets and private keys to domains you trust.Collaborative domain namesIn dappy you can have multiple identities controlling a domain name (like a multisig or DAO). We are also working on address bar syntax and collaborative domain names. Collaborative domain names allow users to load websites that are mutually endorsed by two or more parties, without trusted third party.Transparency report about ICO and token holdersMore than 40 persons participated to the ICO and purchased dappy tokens, very soon FABCO will publish the (anonymized) participations and dappy token holdings to github.Followup on FIC and VivatechDappy team was at FIC (Lille) and Vivatech (Paris), we met hundreds of people. Many students and IT people showed their interest, and few of the discussions lead to ongoing POC (see white label offering).Participations to enterprise alliances and working groupsDappy is considering joining multiple enterprise consortiums in order to build trust partnerships with key actors in web3, open source and IT security industries. We cannot say more right now, it will be of course announced when it is done.Stay tuned